FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2024 – Africa regional event

FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2024 – Africa regional event

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The ongoing digital transformation of agrifood systems presents immense opportunities for African economies.

The transformation of the nature of data, its effective collection and utilization are at the core of digitalization. Harnessing data to support innovation, sustainable production, agribusiness, resilience, and effective policymaking is therefore of major importance. As digital technologies progressively proliferate across the continent, the ability to generate, analyze, collaborate on, and apply data effectively is becoming an essential factor in transforming Africa’s agrifood systems (FAO, 2021[1]), particularly around artificial intelligence.

This regional webinar is organised under the umbrella of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2024 (SIF 2024), themed « Inclusive Science and Innovation for Agrifood Systems Transformation, Leaving No One Behind ». It will explore the critical role of data in driving innovation across Africa’s agrifood systems. By leveraging accurate and timely data, leaders in agrifood systems, from the community all through the national level, can design more effective, inclusive, and sustainable agricultural initiatives and policies. The session will feature an interactive fireside chat and expert presentations/case studies, each addressing key aspects of data use, and innovation in the agri-food systems sector.

The session centers on two of the sub-themes identified for the SIF 2024: digital agriculture and community-driven innovations.


Data has a multifaceted importance for agricultural development contemporarily, particularly in the context of the ongoing democratization of artificial intelligence. In Africa, it is recognized that the lack of effective data frameworks and ecosystems hampers the formulation of effective policies

(UNECA, 2016)[1]. Reliable data is essential to prioritize resources, assess policy outcomes, and adapt to evolving agricultural landscapes. For example, the African Union Malabo Declaration has highlighted the importance of evidence-based planning, monitoring, and accountability as a key for progressing toward achieving the goals set for African agriculture. Improving African statistical systems in this context is crucial.

Leveraging effectively data is also important for business development. In this digital era, agricultural commercial entities, including cooperatives, are increasingly reliant on data for decision-making across the value chain.

In addition, with the democratization of the mobile phone and the development of social media, communities can contribute increasingly to the development of these innovations. Promoting data-driven innovations and the co-development of these services with communities bears great promise for enhancing the impact of digital agriculture.



  • Identify and explore opportunities and strategies for effectively utilizing data and digital technologies to boost innovation, productivity efficiency, and resilience within Africa’s agrifood systems. 
  • Exchange on best practices, lessons learned, and actionable steps for better leveraging data, technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence) and innovation to accelerate transformation of agrifood system in Africa.


Event format: Virtual event on Zoom; Interactive Fireside chat; Panel discussion and Q&A

Register here on Zoom



  15th October 2023: 11am – 1pm(GMT)

Duration Activity
10 minutes Opening session

Welcome and moderation
·       Zoie Jones, Regional Communications Officer, FAO Regional Office for Africa

Opening remarks
·       Dr Abebe Haile-Gabriel, ADG/Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for Africa

25 minutes Interactive Fireside Chat
The importance of data agrifood systems in Africa and how to best unlock its opportunities in the digital age
Facilitator: Ade Freeman, Regional Program Leader, FAO Regional Office for Africa

·       Mr Ousmane Badiane, Founder and Executive Chairperson, Akademiya2063
·       Mr Nelson Mupfugami, Director of Agricultural Statistics, (Zimbabwe)

50 minutes Panel Discussion:
Data and Local driven innovation to accelerate transformation of agrifood sector

·       Mr Christian Irakoze, Cofounder Eza Neza, (Rwanda)

·       Mr Daniel Annerose, CEO, Manobi Africa (Senegal)

·       Ms Angella Ndaka, Human-Technology Interaction Researcher,
Centre for Epistemic Justice Foundation (Kenya)

·       Bjorn-Soren Gigler, PhD
Head of Data Economy, Digital and Green Twin Transition (GIZ, Germany)

·       Zoie Jones, Communications Officer, FAO RAF

30 minutes Questions & Answers session with participants
5 minutes Closing Plenary
Summary of the discussion and Closing remarks
·       Mr Ade Freeman, Regional Programme Leader, FAO Regional Office for Africa

Webinar Link: To be communicated


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