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(From left) Agriculture Minister, Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah and Chinese Ambassador, Yin Chengwu
Liberia’s Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China have signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen bilateral cooperation in agriculture.
The MOU, formulated on June 18, 2024, is a significant step towards enhancing technical cooperation and capacity building in the various fields of agriculture. With its far-reaching benefits, this milestone agreement aims to drive agricultural development and ensure food security. It is valid for five years with an automatic extension for succeeding five-year periods.
Under the terms of the MOU, both ministries have committed to fostering collaboration across various aspects of agriculture. This includes sharing specific technical expertise such as advanced irrigation techniques and best practices like integrated pest management to improve agricultural productivity. The agreement also seeks to promote bilateral trade to diversify agricultural products and increase overall output, thereby contributing to economic growth.
At the signing ceremony, Agriculture Minister Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah expressed optimism about the partnership’s success, highlighting its potential benefits.
“The signing of the MoU marks the beginning of the sustainable development of agriculture in Liberia,” he stated.
“Our goal as a country is to ensure that Liberia not only to ensure food security, but also uses agriculture as a means for job and wealth creation, poverty alleviation, and rural development through mechanization, small-scale industry development, and sustainable value addition,” he added.
Key areas of intervention outlined in the MOU include agricultural mechanization to enhance farming practices and increase productivity, capacity building, agricultural processing and value chain enhancement to add value to agricultural products and facilitate market access. Others are fisheries and aquaculture, which promote sustainable aquaculture practices and seafood production, animal husbandry, including livestock and poultry, and the prevention and control of animal diseases to safeguard animal health and ensure food safety.
This partnership, a win-win for Liberia and China, ushers in a new chapter in their long standing relationship. It also accentuates the shared commitment to sustainable agricultural development and fostering a thriving agricultural sector. Both countries look forward to the fruitful outcomes of this collaboration and its positive impact on the agricultural landscape.
Twenty Young Liberian Extension Officers Get Specialized Training in China
In a related development, 20 young Liberian extension officers have left the country to undergo a transformative training program at the Agricultural Technology and Management Seminar on Liberia in Beijing, China.
The three-week training, to begin on June 20, 2024, is a testament to the collaboration between the Liberian government and its Chinese partners, and it holds the promise of significantly boosting agricultural productivity and fostering sustainable development in Liberia.
According to the press release, the training program, a result of negotiations by the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah, in February of this year, is a pioneering initiative that has the potential to reshape Liberia’s agricultural landscape.
This program, which will take the participants, seven of whom are females, to several renowned research facilities in China, is a unique opportunity to equip them with specialized knowledge and skills in cutting-edge agricultural technologies, advanced farming practices, and effective management strategies.
Through hands-on training, theoretical coursework, and exposure to innovative agricultural techniques, the participants will gain invaluable expertise to apply as extension officers in Liberia, paving the way to a new era of farming excellence.
Announcing the program, Dr. Nuetah expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Chinese government for allowing young Liberians to study in China, describing the training as a specialized and tailored program for Liberia.
He underscored its significance and expressed the government’s confidence in the participants.
“Agriculture is the bedrock of this government’s development agenda, so all of us who are associated with agriculture must take it seriously. Go forth as ambassadors and advocate for our country, making agriculture a priority and ensuring that we achieve food self-sufficiency. Agriculture has to be done differently in this country, and we depend on you, our extension officers, to set that pace,” the Agriculture Minister stated.
On behalf of the beneficiaries, Abass Mark Biaty, a master’s degree holder in agriculture involved in intense extension work in the field, praised the transparency of the vetting process of qualified young Liberians and commended Dr. Nuetah for prioritizing young people.
“Having young people as your front liners charts a new course of doing things in Liberia. We can assure you that the resources put into this program will yield the necessary results,” he remarked.
For her part, Nounou Sharty, a 2023 female graduate from the College of Agriculture College at the University of Liberia, was thankful that young people had been considered for the training.
“We are very grateful for this opportunity, and I can assure you that upon our return, we will wear the same trousers as the men get into swamps to change Liberia’s narrative,” she declared.
The Ministry of Agriculture highly appreciates the Government of the People’s Republic of China’s generosity and goodwill in extending this transformative training opportunity for young Liberians. This initiative is a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to the welfare and prosperity of its people. We deeply value this partnership and the opportunities it brings for our agricultural sector.