Ivory Coast-AIP/ Sport to educate young people in Botro to take up the profession of agriculture

Ivory Coast-AIP/ Sport to educate young people in Botro to take up the profession of agriculture

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Botro, April 2, 2024 (AIP) – Allamoua Marius, young agricultural entrepreneur, initiated a football tournament from February 24 to March 30, 2024 in Botro, called “the Agriculture Awards” with a view to raising awareness among young people about devote yourself to working the land through sport.

The young Allamoua intended to use the means of football, a sport very popular with young people, to send them messages on the importance and the place occupied by agriculture in the Ivorian economy and the interest for them to devote yourself to this “noble profession” which nourishes your man well.

In his address to young people, he constantly recalled a famous phrase from the first president of Côte d’Ivoire, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, namely “the success of this country rests on agriculture”. A sentence which eloquently highlights the importance of agriculture in the economy of the Ivory Coast. He assured young urban and rural dwellers that the constant practice of diversified agricultural activities will certainly ensure lasting empowerment.

“Don’t have any complexes about being farmers, get involved, because this noble profession feeds its people,” he said, assuring the young people, who will embrace the profession of agriculture, of his support in terms of support for production and distribution.

The Botro-village team, victorious in this football tournament at the expense of that of Zagbla by a score of 2-0. All 32 participating teams were rewarded with agricultural equipment, balls, medals, trophies and cash envelopes.

Four young people, including a young woman, were also awarded at the end of this tournament for their exploits in the agricultural field in Botro. They received the awards for the best cashew nut producer, the best food producer award, the best breeder award and the best processor award.

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