Kenyan government wants exporters to stop mixing mangoes and avocados

Kenyan government wants exporters to stop mixing mangoes and avocados

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Starting from November 13, 2023, Kenyan mango exporters will face more rigorous scrutiny; the country’s Agriculture and Food Authority is about to tighten regulations to ensure the authenticity of mango export consignments. This move follows the October 31 decision by AFA to halt avocado shipments in order to safeguard the quality of produce for both domestic and international markets.

Now, AFA has implemented a directive to physically inspect mango export consignments after concerns that some exporters have been blending mangoes with avocados for sea shipments. This is a violation of horticultural crop regulations.

To comply with the new regulations, farmers are required to request physical inspections for consignments earmarked for export. They can initiate this process by writing to AFA, and the request should clearly indicate the location of the packhouse.


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